Unlocking The Mysteries Of Eating Disorders: A Life-Saving Guide to Your Child’s Treatment and Recovery
Author: David Herzog, Debra Franko, Patti Cable
Format: Paperback | 304 pages
Publisher: McGraw Hill.
Publication date: August 21, 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 9780071475372
Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.77 x 8.9 inches
A Harvard doctor’s practical, prescriptive, and compassionate approach to healing your child’s eating disorder
This insightful and comforting guide, written by two internationally known experts, shatters the myths, mysteries, and misconceptions surrounding eating disorders. You will learn how to recognize EDs, identify causes, talk to your child, and find the best treatment. The book includes the widest range of professional care options available, both psychotherapeutic and medicinal, as well as preventive solutions for children who display early warning signs. Most inspiring of all are the real-life stories of families who have faced eating disorders–and triumphed.
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