Durian: Diseases and Disorders

Author: Lim Tong Kwee
Publisher: Kuala Lmpur Tropical Press
ISBN: 9677300504
Publication date: 1990 (First edition)
Durian, “the King of Tropical Fruits”, is without doubt the most popular and most economically valuable fruit grown in Malaysia.
A fascinating fruit, the durian has many uses. Its pulp is most often eaten fresh but can also be eaten with rice. It can also be processed into durian cake, used as ice cream or jam, or made into a host of preparations for eating. The pulp can also be fermented and eaten as a side dish, and unripe fruits can be boiled and eaten as a vegetable or as a soup. Its seeds, roasted or boiled, can be eaten with great enjoyment, and the sliced seeds, when dried or baked in coconut oil with spices, are eaten with rijsttafel.
But while the durian is undoubtedly valuable, it is prone to many diseases and disorders, and great economic loss can result if insufficient precautions are taken, or if proper control and treatment methods are not used. This book provides the most recent findings on the problems of the durian, including the research findings of the book’s author. It deals with seedling and root diseases; with trunk and stem diseases and infestations; with foliar diseases and infestations; fruit diseases; and miscellaneous diseases and disorders. In each of these categories, particular manisfestations of diseases, infestations, or disorders are discussed in detail, and for each type there are subsections on its symptoms, its causal agents, and most importantly its control.
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