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- Muat Turun 249
- File Size 3.48 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 20/03/2023
- Last Updated 19/07/2023
Muhammad Aizuddin Nor Hasnan
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Ahmad Omar
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Khadijah Shadan
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Ismail Ibrahim
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Abdul Fatah Ibrahim
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Mohd Salim Yusof
Bahagian Ukur dan Pemetaan,
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara, Behrang Ulu, 35950 Perak, Malaysia
Keywords: Water leaks, GPR
Water leakages can frequently happen and can impact on the user and provider itself. The quality of water is getting worse and the leakage that happened can cost the provider to detect and fix it. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) could in principle identify leaks in buried pipes either by detecting underground void created by the leaking water as it circulates near the pipe. In this study, the potential of GPR as a non-destructive method to detect fluid leakage has been examined. Besides, this study intended to obtain 3D models for an upgraded visualization of radargram mainly focused on the user that has poor knowledge about GPR and radargram analysis. The survey has been conducted at UTM Skudai. The simulation situation has been designed and constructed. This study was conducted by simulating the water leaks in the pipe, which were buried underground. The water was injected into the pipe before the survey was perfomed. A vision of fluid leakage and contaminated soil was observed with the post processing using Reflex2DQuick in order to get the result. The radargram shows the leakage cumulated around the buried pipe. Several experiments were designed and conducted to prove that GPR can be tool to detect fluid leakage. The radargram images were sorted and a 3D model has been generated. The 3D model was used in interpretation of water leakage. The result of this study will elaborate on the capabilities and effectiveness of the GPR in detecting fluid leakage which could help in other leak detection methods.
Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara (INSTUN),
Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam (NRES),
Behrang, 35950 Tanjong Malim,
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
Tel: +605 454 2825 | Faks: +605 454 2837
Emel: pro@instun.gov.my